Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I dont have any pictures as of late b/c I can't find my stupid battery charger for my camera.
Tobys Mom took us to a Hotel for the last couple days cause she wanted to take the kids swimming. It was fun. LOADS of swimming. I am WORE out. but I did have lots of fun!!
And now for the wonderful news; both of my vehicles are broken down....BOTH at ONE TIME!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH =o( I dont know what is going on lately. I just feel like it is one of those times when it all is coming crashing down. =O( I just have to remember all of my blessings and the good stuff or I will go crazy. AND I want a FREAKING hair cut!! I can't afford it b/c of the fore mentioned vehicle problem and I can't find anyone to do it. I came very close on Monday to chopping it myself. I had scissors and hair in hand and then thought better of it.
Sorry, another pity party post!! I have to stop these or you all wont keep coming back. I will end on a good note...... YAY for the nice HOT weather and for the wonderful swimming!!


K-C Tohara said...

Put the scissors down.... now... back away...slowly... :)

Love you! I am so sorry you have to deal with car problems! They are one of the worst problems because we depend on them so much!


It's hard to realize the good when everything has gone wrong, I do know what you mean! I hope you have luck in getting through this!

Unknown said...

Poor Hali! There is nothing like being without a vehicle...stress is piling on us as well, so I'm with you girl! Hang in there!!