Friday, July 3, 2009

Kaitlin as seen by Omi Masina!!

Here are the wonderful pictures that Omi took of my baby at 2 months old!! Omi is simply amazing, not only with her photography but she is an amazing woman! See more of her work at

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Power of Prayer! Our Healthy Baby is here!

So, since you have seen her hospital pics via facebook I will post a few I taken at home. Kaitlin Lilee was born on April 16th. She weighed 6 pounds even and was 19 1/4 inches long.She is so precious and beautiful. We are so extremely blessed, she was born perfectly healthy. Not a spot of yellow. Her Dr. and all of us are very shocked b/c of how sick Cyera was. Let me tell you the power of prayer. Every day since we found out we were having another baby we have prayed that she would be born with my blood type. Every time the kids blessed the food they would add "and please bless the baby that it has the same blood type as Mommy." Well, Heavenly Father was listening (as he always does) and he felt that we could have that blessing. What a wonderful Father in Heaven we have!! She is so much fun. She looks around so much and takes in everything. She lifts her head every chance she gets. She is only 3 days old but acts like she is weeks old. She sleeps mostly through the night only waking twice to eat and get changed. Wow, what a wonderful little girl and what a wonderful family we have. Thank you all for the prayers and for just thinking about our Family! We love and miss you all!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

36 1/2 Weeks! (9 months)

So, here is me sitting at the Doctors filling out paperwork for the c-section. Toby (for some reason) wont stop taking pictures of me lately.)

and a picture of me getting on the Wii Fit. (yes, I am trying to start labor so they will just do the c-section =O))

And here are the ultrasound pictures of Kaitlin at our appt. She wouldn't cooperate again, so we didn't get good ones, again. She LOVES her hand by her face. In one of the pictures she is frowning, that is when he was pushing on my tummy trying to get her to move her hand. (so sweet) I can't wait to meet her, 2 1/2 weeks if she decides to actually stay in there. I can't believe she teased me since 26 weeks trying to get out and now that we want her to, she doesn't want to. =O) Such a Joiner!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Update!

Here I am 33 weeks (just over 8 months) pregnant, with the flu..... AGAIN! I finally got Girl Scout cookies and haven't been able to enjoy them. Baby Kaitlin is still moving good, though I do suspect I am a little dehydrated. I am tired of all these sicknesses. I had my glucose test and they told me I am hypoglycemic, which I already knew. We have the date set to have Kaitlin on April 16th if she will stay in there that long. =o) She is being a Joiner and being very stubborn, she wants out! I still cant move around that much without the contractions starting up again! Well, I will stop whining now, just wanted to give everyone an update. I know how blessed I am to be carrying another special, wonderful spirit for our Heavenly Father!
Love you All!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

7 Months!!

Here is me at 27 1/2 weeks. (Almost 7 months) I am Huge. I got a new hair cut. This is the first day in over a week I have felt half way normal, now that it is night time that feeling is gone though. =o(