Monday, December 29, 2008


After our ultrasound today Toby gave in and said we could find out the sex so on our way out of the office we caught the Doctor and he told us that ITS A GIRL!!! Kaitlin Lilee!! She would not cooperate for any pictures, she kept putting her arms and hands in the way, even though the Doctor was pushing and prodding my tummy. =o) She is definitely a Joiner. She is measuring good though. Right on track to the day. And he said that there were no visible defects. We are so very blessed that Heavenly Father is giving us another little life to take care of. I will take these migraines in trade any day. =O)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

5 1/2 Months

Here is me at 5 1/2 months. I feel huge. I still have my migraines. =o( I just keep reminding myself it is all worth it. Feeling the baby move is the best experience. I always love that about being pregnant. =O)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Tree

I finally let the kids guilt me into decorating. It is usually done the day after Thanksgiving but with these migraines, I dont do much. =O( Here is our tree and our stockings!! =O)